Fowler State Bank is dedicated to empowering our communities, and we have been doing so for over 90 years! Our employees are involved, and volunteer their time, in many different community programs. We hope you enjoy this collection that highlights some of our community involvement!
County Fairs
Fowler State Bank employees enjoy working at the Benton, Warren, & Newton County fairs every summer! It is always our pleasure to support the fairs, and our local youth!

Supporting our Local Schools
Every year Fowler State Bank collects school supplies, hats, gloves, scarves, and coats to donate to our local youth in each community!

Benton County Cancer Association
In the month of October, Fowler State Bank goes PINK to support Breast Cancer Awareness month. In 2022 Fowler State Bank raised $550.00 to donate to the Benton County Cancer Association!

Local Food Pantries
Fowler State Bank is very active in helping all our local food pantries. Every year we collect non perishable food items and monetary donations to give to our local food pantries and local backpack programs.

In the Community